Congratulations to the Campbellsport Elementary students who were cast in the Missoula Children's Theater (MCT) production of "Blackbeard the Pirate!" They had an awesome show tonight! Thank you also to the CES PTO for bringing MCT to our school once again. If you weren't able to come out to the show tonight, we have one more performance tomorrow Saturday, October 21st at 1:30 p.m. at the Campbellsport High School Auditorium. Hope to see you there!
7 months ago, Shanda Cerny
Sailors and Mermaids
Beach Bums
Crocs and Crabs
We are celebrating Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week May 8-12 in the Campbellsport School District! This week gives us an opportunity to recognize and express our gratitude for the hard work, dedication, and achievements of our outstanding educators. If you have a moment, thank a teacher, counselor, para, coach, custodian or other staff member who has made a positive impact on your life or the life of your child. Write a heartfelt note, send an email, or make a post on social media expressing your gratitude. Teaching is a challenging and demanding profession, requiring patience, dedication, and a deep commitment to students' growth and wellbeing. We’re incredibly grateful for the outstanding efforts of our teachers and staff, each and every day! Please join us in thanking our teachers and staff for all they do!
almost 1 year ago, Tom Wissink
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
Today CES Student Council was able to deliver the $2000 to Children’s Hospital that was raised by our March Madness Teacher fundraiser. While we were there they asked if we wanted to donate the money to a specific cause. The students decided to donate it to the Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) cause to support our own CES student Bella Forcier. Thank you CES families for the wonderful support!
almost 2 years ago, Shanda Cerny
CES Student Council 2022
Thank you to everyone who attended our Celebrate CES night to see all the amazing things our staff and students have been doing here at Campbellsport Elementary School. We had an incredible turnout! The wax museum, projects, and stations were absolutely wonderful! A special thank you to the CES PTO for funding the Mad Science stations. They were a great addition to the event! A huge shout out to all the staff for all their hard work and help in making our evening such a huge success! We couldn't do it without each and every one of you! It is so great to have such an amazing school community!
about 2 years ago, Shanda Cerny
Wax Museum
Mad Science
Art Project
Drawing Winners
Tonight is the night! Campbellsport Elementary School staff and students are so excited to share all the amazing things that we have been doing. We have lots of fun activities planned for you! We hope to see you tonight, March 31st from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
about 2 years ago, Shanda Cerny
Celebrate CES
Join Campbellsport Elementary School on Thursday, March 31st for our Celebrate CES night. The event will showcase our 5th grade Wax Museum, grade level projects throughout the school, science stations, a spaghetti dinner and so much more! It will be held from 4:30-6:30 p.m. We hope to see you!
about 2 years ago, Shanda Cerny
Celebrate CES
Mrs. Kaiser Rocks! was the theme of her office on Thursday, February 10. Classrooms decorated guitars and wrote messages to her as we recognized her in celebration of "National School Counselor Week." We are so thankful to have such a dedicated, supportive, and caring school counselor here at CES and we appreciate all that she does. Thank you Mrs. Kaiser!
about 2 years ago, Shanda Cerny
Mrs. Kaiser Rocks!
On Thursday, February 10, Campbellsport Elementary School celebrated 100 days of school. The students and staff had a great time dressing up for the day. Please click on the following link to see some of the fun costumes we had throughout the day:
about 2 years ago, Shanda Cerny
100 Days of School
Our Campbellsport Elementary School did a student council sponsored activity to show gratitude to our community, as they are donating all the cereal to local food pantries. See our Cereal Dominos video!
over 2 years ago, Taylor Myers
Happy to be back in school at Campbellsport Elementary!
over 2 years ago, Taylor Myers
First day
1st day back
Spreading the joy of the new school year with a couple more pictures from our Eden Elementary School!
over 2 years ago, Taylor Myers
1st Day
1 day
For the month of December, Campbellsport Elementary School focused on being creative. One of the activities we did was a virtual Ugly Sweater contest between all the classrooms. We thought we would share our Ugly Sweaters with you. As the background for the video we hope you enjoy our AM 4K students singing "We Wish You A Merry Christmas," during their virtual concert that was held for parents today. Please click on the link to enjoy our wishes for you:
over 3 years ago, Shanda Cerny
Campbellsport Elementary staff and students would like to take this opportunity to thank all Veterans for all you do and continue to do for our country. Please click on the following link to watch our Virtual program that we held this morning as a school to honor all those who have served and continue to serve our country. Thank you to our 5th grade students and teachers for preparing for this special program and Thank you Veterans!
over 3 years ago, Shanda Cerny
Veterans Day Program at Campbellsport Elementary School
Hello Everyone, We have exciting news! The Campbellsport High School Booster Club "Cougar Dash Run/Walk" has been rescheduled to July 25th at 8:00 AM and will be starting at the same place, Campbellsport Fireman's Park. We are so excited that we are able to provide this race to all of you! Lace up those running shoes and start training so that you can be part of this awesome event! You can register at: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of our staff, participants, and spectators. Chip timing will also allow us to spread runners out at the start of the race. Further details will be provided on the website. We look forward to seeing you there! Sincerely, CBC Cougar Dash Committee
almost 4 years ago, Todd Hencsik
Traditionally the staff and teachers wave to students as they leave on the last day of school. Since we couldn’t do that this year we brought the waves to you. Please click on the link to see our Goodbye Waves!
almost 4 years ago, Shanda Cerny
Campbellsport Parents May 8, 2020 After more than thirty days of the mandated closure there are less than twenty remaining days to the ‘end of the school year’. There have been many bumps for you as parents and the teaching staff in this unique situation. Teachers are phasing down assignments and shifting to a more review directed approach. We are having discussions defining what are the expectations in a Pass/Fail system shift. Continue to encourage and support, as you have been, your student(s) in completing their assignments. Virtual, email, text communication and the Exchange Center are still the main communication pathways we have. Several additional points of particular interest to many of you. First, with the current ‘Badger Bounce Back’ program and State’s Order in place, there can be no school promoted or approved gatherings such as grade promotions, concerts, practices, recognition parades or graduation ceremonies. Regarding scheduling, we will be setting a date for graduation when more definition is given to us by the Health Department. Second, each building is arranging for a safe manner to return the contents of your students desks/cubbies/lockers to them. Be aware that no one should be in any of the buildings except the Exchange Centers, and there should be no personal contact. Watch for communication from each building’s team. Third, the dates for returning chromebooks (other school tech) and textbooks have been set during the first week in June. The Technology Crew will be at EES on June 3rd from 10:30am - 1:00pm and at CES on June 4th from 10:30am - 2:30pm to check in District Chromebooks. Then on June 5th from 10:00 am - 3:00pm they will be at the Middle-High School. During this time you may also check in any textbooks or library books you may have. All of these will be located near that building’s Exchange Center. If you are unable to make any of those times, you may check in your items on June 9th from 12 (noon) - 6:00pm at the MS-HS building. This has been a unique and hopefully singular incident in this country. We understand that the education delivered during these approximately fifty days has been different. We are continually assessing the choices we are making with the information we had or now have. Finally, we all hope to return to a more normal school year in the fall. Although there will be certain adjustments, we can not wait to see the bright faces and minds of our students again.
almost 4 years ago, Todd Hencsik
Mrs. Cerny, Mrs. Kaiser, and CES families created this video to honor our teachers. We are fortunate to have such an amazing team. Please join us in honoring the special work that they do every day.
about 4 years ago, Shanda Cerny
Campbellsport Parents: April 17, 2020 As you have heard, Governor Evers has issued an executive order closing schools for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year. We are saddened that our classrooms and hallways will continue to remain empty as we deeply miss all of our students. Educational expectations continue from the State of Wisconsin, Department of Public Instruction for public school districts. Students need to continue to complete school work as assigned by their teacher(s) through the end of the scheduled school year. Besides virtual delivery systems, the ‘Exchange Centers’ continue to be a means of assignment handling per your needs and the individual teacher direction. These spaces besides having new air purifiers are cleaned and sanitized twice a week. The administrative staff had begun planning for the possibility that classes may not meet again this school year. We have started discussions on grading implications, declaring an ending date for “classes”, how student lockers/desks will be processed, the credit impact for high school students, return of Chromebooks checked out and the list goes on. Events like graduation, prom, spring concerts, grade promotions and other celebrations hit everyone as great losses and we will do our best to recognize them at another time or in other ways. Your student’s principal will be in contact with you as they develop plans for these. We understand the significant impact this has on your family, and want you to know that we are here to support and encourage. Together, we must keep your students learning through this education situation whether offsite/virtually. We know families may need additional support at this time; please remember that our school counselors are available. The best manner to connect with them is directly at their email address or through your student’s principal. We will continue to provide a free lunch and breakfast to any student age 18 and under on school days. Hours for pick-up will continue to be between 11am - 1pm at the three school locations. If you did not have the chance to sign up and would like to be added to the list for the Grab and Go Breakfast/Lunch Program please use the following links: For Students attending Campbellsport Public Schools: For Private/Homeschooled Students residing in the Campbellsport School District Please watch for other communications from your student’s teachers, principal and myself. We will release information related to this situation as processes are developed. Sincerely, Paul A. Amundson, District Administrator
about 4 years ago, Todd Hencsik
April 3, 2020 Dear Campbellsport School District The safety of our students and staff is always our number one priority. We are taking extra steps to ensure their safety after learning today that a second employee tested positive for COVID-19. Like our first confirmed case, this second employee also was feeling ill, got tested, self-quarantined at home and finished that quarantine period before the positive test result came back. Both have recovered. The first employee fell ill on March 13, went home early and has not been back since. This person now has a physician authorization to return to work but is working from home for an additional two weeks as an extra precaution. Students have not been in our schools since March 16. The second employee developed symptoms on March 18 and has not been in school since that day. Once cleared, that employee also will not return for two weeks, per District policy. We are aware of no other employee who has been tested or is awaiting test results. While we can not legally release the identity of our employees, we can tell you that the Fond du Lac County Health Department investigated the first confirmed case and notified all CSD staff members and families who may have had contact with that employee in the 48 hours prior to developing symptoms. The Health Department is now investigating today’s confirmed test result and will contact anyone who had contact with that employee. We are increasing our sanitization and cleaning procedures at all of our schools to protect our staff and families. That cleaning includes new processes to sanitize our homework drop-off and packet pick-up for those families who are unable to connect at home with digital learning. We are continuing a high level of cleaning practices as recommended by the CDC in areas where families stop to pick up meals or homework. About 150 families a day are picking up meals at our school sites, and we are delivering via school vans meals to about another 150 families. Most of our staff has been working from home and next week we will further reduce the number of staff in our school buildings. We are urging staff to monitor their health and if they feel ill, to stay home. Our schools will remain closed until at least April 24 under the state’s Safer at Home order to help contain the spread of coronavirus and save lives. That date likely will be extended. We know this may be concerning to hear about confirmed cases, but we believe we are doing all we can at the school district level to help contain the community spread of this virus. Please be well, wash your hands and thanks for supporting our children in their learning at home. Paul A. Amundson District Administrator
about 4 years ago, Todd Hencsik
Campbellsport Parents: April 2, 2020 We are entering the third week of the closure of Campbellsport Schools as are all schools in Wisconsin. Although the initial Executive Order from Governor Evers mentioned April 6 as a potential ending date, his Safer at Home order extended the school closures until ‘April 24th or until a superseding order is issued.’ So the Campbellsport Schools will remain closed. We will continue to prepare bag lunches and breakfasts for any student enrolled in Campbellsport District schools and education opportunities through virtual or traditional means as we have been doing. Next week was scheduled as a short week (Mon - Wed) on the original school calendar but we are using it as ‘ease back’ days from the regular flow of student work. This seam will also be used as a period of reassessing by staff of the procedures we have been using throughout the District during this long-term crisis. Please Continue to Be Safe and Take Care, Paul A. Amundson District Administrator
about 4 years ago, Todd Hencsik